The truth of the matter is that vegetables are not only important for the elderly but for all of us. One of the most interesting findings in “blue zones,” where there is true longevity, is that people consume mostly a plant based diet. Loma Linda, California, which is only a 1/2 hour away from Upland is considered a blue zone. It is interesting to note that there is a large population of Seventh Day Adventists who reside in the region. And, to my knowledge, Seventh Day Adventists promote plant based diet.
We see a direct relationship between the incidence of various diseases and per capita consumption of meat – animal proteins – in a given country. For example, countries that consume more animal proteins tend to have more female colon cancer incidence and coronary heart disease in men in their 50’s.
when we look at meat consumption in Okinawa, Japan, which boasts greatest longevity in the world, we notice that Okinawans consume 10 times less animal food products than we as Americans.
WHO (World Health Organization) states that processed meats are carcinogens and red meats are probable carcinogens.
Animal protein products also inflame the body and increase insulin resistance.
So let’s consume more plants and less meats for our health and wellness.